Friday, February 19, 2010

Staying Up Too Late

I have this pattern that has played out at least since high school: when left to my own devices, I will stay up as late as possible.

If I need to get up at 5am the next morning, I will stay up until midnight – later than that is bound to mess with my mind. Of course it would be better in that case to go to bed at ten. But I never do that.

And now, being technically unemployed with no morning commitments, what I would LIKE to do is go to bed at one and hop out of bed promptly at nine, bright eyed and bushy tailed. But that is not what I do. I stay up until 2 or 3 and sleep in until 11 (or 12:40, which I am ashamed to say was my waking time this morning).

There’s nothing wrong with this, really. As soon as I have a morning commitment I will adjust accordingly. But it bothers me that I fall into this pattern and can’t seem to change it. Especially since I’m often staying up late for no reason. I mean, right now I’m staying up to write this post, but before that I was watching back to back episodes of LOST (I got caught in a hopeless addiction two months ago and have made it to midway through season 4 in record time), listlessly surfing the net and checking facebook. Why do I feel the need to do that until the wee hours and then sleep away the morning?

I could blame my mom, she has this trait too. Buuut… I’m 32, and theoretically capable of making my own way in life. And too old to be blaming my own behavior on my mom.

I could say there is this quality of absolute quiet that I like about night time, that is different from the morning. I guess that’s part of the reason. But there’s also a very nice quality about early morning that I miss. And the day passes so quickly when you don’t rise until noon.

Hm. Well, that’s it, folks. Nothing more than that. I guess I can't even pass it off as a side effect of being a Very Sensitive Person. It's just something I do.


  1. I know how you can change it ... it involves getting one of those special alarm clocks that randomly wakes you between 5 and 7 am every morning, no matter what you do. We got ours a little over 2 years ago. ;) As a bonus, these alarm clocks wake you in creative ways, including screaming in your ear, kicking you in the face, and forcing corn chips into your sleeping mouth. Technology has come a long way!

  2. oh, that's a good one, Marc! Can I buy one on ebay? :)
