Thursday, February 4, 2010


Why can't I ever, ever remember to bring my reusable shopping bags INTO THE GROCERY STORE WITH ME? So that I might actually USE them?

I have three bags by the front door at my house, in plain sight, and I have a bag in the car in case I decide without planning to stop for groceries which is what I usually do. I even have a note taped to the front door of my house that says BRING BAGS.

And yet... I never remember to bring a bag in with me. I always find myself blithely shopping with my cart and not thinking for one second about the bag until I get to the checkout. And stop. And ask myself, Did you forget to bring the bags in AGAIN?!

My brain just seems to have been permanently set to bring nothing in with me save purse, keys and a grocery list. Maybe I should write my grocery list on the reusable bag.

Thank you for listening. Advice welcomed. Unless the advice is, "stop ruining the environment, you selfish idiot."

1 comment:

  1. I heard that it takes a full 90 days to make or break a habit. That means, if you can find some creative way to remember to bring bags for just three months (like put cutesy signs near food related places: fridge, pantry, etc.), it will be second nature after that!

    Alternately, you could creatively fold/pin bags into hip fashion items like hats, leg warmers, and broaches. Then you will always have one ON you!
