Tuesday, December 14, 2010

what I've been thinking about

Oh, hi.

So I've been on blog hiatus (blogiatus?) for the last six months. I went on a big camping trip in July and after I got back I could not bring myself to spend more time on the computer than necessary. I mean, reading Dooce and Fluent Self and Penelope Trunk and Mark Bittman and the Pioneer Woman is necessary, lord knows. And how could I tear myself away from facebook. But blogging didn't make the cut.

And I'm still not sure if blogging is good for me or a waste of time. But lately I'm feeling the pull again, so we'll see how this goes.

Lately I am really feeling Loretta Lynn, Edith Piaf, Judy Blume and Beyonce.

When I was 16 my heroes were Tori Amos and Sylvia Plath. Like every other sensitive sixteen year old girl, I was really into despair and the beauty of unending sadness. Then I got sick of it. I can still remember what it felt like to be obsessed with them -- and they have an undeniable power:

But right now there's something about the sense of purpose and pluck and fierceness and positive thinking (ugh - I hate the phrase POSITIVE THINKING - it's so demanding and unrealistic, more on that later) that does it for me.

And damn, Judy Blume never ceases to blow my mind: